April 2022 Milestones & Deliverables

April 2022 Milestones & Deliverables

🚀 Top Launches: Timeless Wallet activation at Coachella, Leader interviews to improve external communication, 1MusicDAO with social tokens & digital festivals.

🎶 Harmony is a community-first, culture-driven project. In our commitment to open development and radical transparency, the team shares peer feedback and performance reviews in public. Beyond a shared mission, we bond over the unique culture of our community. That’s the social change we are spreading to the world.

👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Harmony is also a human protocol for global collaborations. We align everyone’s contributions toward a common goal and boost each other’s performance through peer feedback. Our superpower is “strength in numbers”: compounding 10% improvements among a fully connected network of 25 people – that’s 110%^25 = 10 times impact together.

❤️‍🔥Team Performance Review & Peer Feedback – Q2 2022

5️⃣May 2022 Milestones & Deliverables

Top Launches

🔥 See other key deliverables below in Harmony Ecosystem, now comprised of 24 core team, 9 full fellows, 14 half-time contributors, 9 part-time contributors, 15 core DAOs, 8 major grantees, 25 major investments, 12 close partners, 6 vendors, 7 events, 6 metrics.

📖Team Performance Review & Bonus – Q1 2022

3️⃣March 2022 Milestones & Deliverables

24 Core Team

9 Full Fellows (30 hours)

16 Half-Time Contributors (20 hours)

6 Part-Time Contributors (15 hours)

5 Quarter-Time Contributors (10 hours)

12 Funded DAOs

3 Community DAOs

10 Grantees

25 Investments

  • GameFi Crossing 🚗: New website launch.
  • Autarky Finance 🚗: Optimize the contract for transaction cost reduction, Fix transaction matching bugs in the trading app, Smart contract for fixed income.
  • Morphware 🔭: Site selection in Paraguay for mini data center, Coordinate install of a worker node at the University of British Columbia, Coordinate install of a worker node at Harvard.
  • eSolidar 🐉: Define minimal viable product, Draft tokenomics design.
  • C14 🐉: Closing financing round, Onboard 3 new hires.

12 Close Partners

6 Vendors

7 Events ($118K)

6 Metrics

  • Wallets: 146K average daily active.
  • Website: 1.1M visits, 383.8k uniques, 2.17 pages/visit.
  • Mailchimp: 30,156 subscribers.
  • Twitter: 391K followers, 4.06M impressions, 1.24M profile visits.
  • Instagram: 4,834 followers.
  • Youtube: 17.9K subscribers.
  • $ONE Price: High $0.176700, Low $0.070750, Average $0.125911.
  • Total Lockup Value: $875M.
  • Network Staked Value: $673M.
  • Leadership (the numbers of core teammates + fellow/contributors + grants/DAOs/investments under management): Rongjian🛡 3+1+5, Leo🏃 1+6+2, Li🎽 5+1+10, Ganesha🏏 4+3+0, Peter🛹 0+0+4, Sam🌲 0+5+5, Giv☁️ 5+2+5, Jack🐉 1+2+15, Matt🎤0+5+2, Daniel🔭 1+5+5.
📆 Deadlines on Writing Monthly Deliverables
ℹ️ Guidelines on Writing Monthly Deliverables

🌊Your Career: To Yearn for the Vast and Endless Web3

🕸️ONE on Messari’s 2022 Theses