Your Career: To Yearn for the Vast and Endless Web3

Your Career: To Yearn for the Vast and Endless Web3

🚀 Building a (Rocket)Ship

We are a Day-1 startup. Blockchains are becoming the foundation of the global economy, yet their adoption is at only 1%. That means that you as a pioneer and developer are shaping the future with 10X impact. Harmony is a community-driven project, a network with hundreds of applications, and a team wearing crazy ambitions on their sleeves. Because the invincible summer awaits!

For engineers, we value your deep understanding of how bytes work. You are a tool maker, a system hacker, and a math nerd all in ONE. Your typical day involves prototyping a top-conference research paper, debugging and profiling in hexdecimal, or writing updates to coordinate asynchronouly with tens of engineers in the open. Building a blockchain is like jumping off the cliff while assembling the plane engine on the fly – but, if you can thrive in chaos, why NOT?

For creatives, we approve your obsession with user experience. You are a product designer, a brand manager, and an industry analyst all in ONE. Your typical day involves studying what delights and what hurts through hard metrics, writing long-form narratives on the why's and the do's, or scrumming tasks for a product launch to iterate with millions of users. Building a community is like sharing your blue heart while keeping the culture alive for decades – but, if this is your dream of 50 years, start NOW?

👩‍🎤AI Backend Engineer (Palo Alto, CA)🧥Systems Engineer (Palo Alto, CA)

💙 Culture & Compensations

  • 3 open positions for senior engineers on systems and networks
  • 2 open positions for product designers and managers
  • Full-time 5 days in Palo Alto office (CA, USA), 15-day annual vacation
  • Full coverage on medical, maximum 401K matching
  • Communication with extensive writing and open development

⁉️Why Harmony? Technical Overview of Protocols, Validators & Bridges

🎥Creative Campaigns & Stories

There are also open positions on cryptography, devops, marketing, or business development. Email

🪘Market-Product-Team Fit with Utility NFT for Creator Economy

🕑Harmony in 2026: Scaling Web3 via ZKP & DAO

🕸️ONE on Messari’s 2022 Theses📈Messari's Report on ONE
If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery (author of “The Little Prince”) Celui-là tissera des toiles, l’autre dans la forêt par l’éclair de sa hache couchera l’arbre. L’autre, encore, forgera des clous, et il en sera quelque part qui observeront les étoiles afin d’apprendre à gouverner. Et tous cependant ne seront qu’un. Créer le navire ce n’est point tisser les toiles, forger les clous, lire les astres, mais bien donner le goût de la mer qui est un, et à la lumière duquel il n’est plus rien qui soit contradictoire mais communauté dans l’amour. – “Citadelle” (“The Wisdom of the Sands”), 1948. 「如果你想造一艘船, 不要號召你的工人去收集木頭,發號命令, 然後分配工作。 反之,要教給他們對無邊無際的大海的渴望。」聖修伯里 (小王子, 海闊天空)