
Matthew Barrett





Daniel Pagan
March 28, 2022
End Date
June 30, 2022

Matthew Barrett has worked in the Healthcare Field for over 12 years; working with individuals who have suffered from Traumatic Brain Injuries. Throughout that time, Matthew has focused on developing and incorporating methods to guide and educate individuals aged 18-65 on how to utilize technology into their daily lives. Because of how rapidly technology changes, Matthew works to create documentation that is simple and easy to use in order to maximize his client’s success. Matthew received his Bachelor’s in Geography from Millersville University as well as his Master’s in Management (Concentration in Healthcare) with a 4.0 GPA. Recently, Matthew welcomed his second son into the world and splits his time between his family, crypto and hobbies like sports, hiking and video games.

June 2022 Deliverables:

  1. Creation and daily maintenance of Crisis Medium documentation for community awareness 100%
  2. 3 ONEWeekly newsletters (Week 1,Week 2, Week 3) 100%
  3. Review and update 4 official Harmony documents. 80%

May 2022 Deliverables:

  1. 3 ONEWeekly (Ep3, Ep4, Ep5) = 100%
  2. 8 partner highlights (Wk1, Wk2, Wk3 ) = 100%
  3. 1 core team interview (Week 4 ONEWeekly) = 100%

April 2022 Deliverables:

  1. Publish 4 ONEWeekly articles 100%
  2. Conduct 2 team member interviews for ONEWeekly content 100%
  3. Scripts for new ONEWeekly video series 100%

Matthew Barrett’s Timecard

Additional Notes

Newsletter conceptual outlining, Researching ideas on topics to be written about


Concept Research, Identifying monthly launches for quarter 1 recap


Topic Research, Identifying which community projects to include within ONEWeekly; expanding upon monthly recap topics


Topic Research, Expanding upon concepts for monthly recap topics


Creation of ONEWeekly Outline, Early outline and developing content for topics covered within ONEWeekly


Continued work on ONEWeekly, Continuation of writing including editing and formatting of 1st ONEWeekly edition.


Continued work on ONEWeekly, Reading on Project X and Accelerator Program to better understand each topic when writing for the newsletter.


10 Hour Work Week


Topic Research and Article reading, Examine social media for potential topics on upcoming ONEWeekly article.


Zero Proof Knowledge Topic Research, Studying topic and concepts behind Boris’s upcoming ZK presentation at ETH Portland


Team Meeting Call Review


Medium Outline and ONEWeekly writing, Final edits and conclusion of writing ONEWeekly. Launched on 4/8


ONEWeekly writing and AMA review, Review of Twitter Spaces AMA and Reddit AMA for topic inclusion


DAO Research and ONEWeekly Writing, Research on potential DAOs to be included in Article


10 Hour Work Week Payment received for 3/28 and 4/4


Notion Documentation and ONEWeekly Writing, Reading DAO grant proposals, emails to project leads for potential interviews for direct feedback


ONEWeekly writing and Article Research, Prepare for Ed interview; writing DAO segment and expanding on Tech corner segment.


Audio listening and note taking, HR contract review, One Africa Dao interview with Ed, Recording Notetaking and documentation


ONEWeekly writing and editing with Dan, Editing article for final version


ONEWeekly writing, recording and call, Call with Globey/Dan, listening through TGI audio recording and taking summary notes, final edits and writing of ONEWeekly.


Call with Loge and Dan, Discussion topics and ideas for Loge videos, introduction to Loge


Script review and brainstorming ideas for video/writing, Review of Dan’s script and feedback for Loge videos


20 Hour Work Week


Content reading regarding crypto wallet security and outlining content ideas for ONEWeekly article. Updates on Timesheet and Notion updates.


Expanding on ONEWeekly content relating to Wallet security; identifying team members for content interview and preparing questions.


ONEWeekly writing focusing on types of wallets, examples of each type and content for that article section. Team Meeting Call and Minute Meeting Notes


Notion Updates for Timesheet, Editing ONEWeekly article with Dan and Adding Interview content reviewed from Aaron


TGI Community Recording and Minute Meeting Notes, final edits and Medium preparation of ONEWeekly article


Content reading on Talk.Harmony forum for DAO content


20 Hour Work Week Payment received for 4/11 and 4/18


Content Research on DAOs, reading through Talk.Harmony forums proposals and Harmony Reddit. Harmony All Hands Meeting and developing content interview questions


ONEWeekly outline and script preparation; DAO tools reading for ONEWeekly. Attended DAO OPs meeting and Meeting with Dan/Loge


Script and ONEWeekly preparation and editing for Loge


TGI Recording with Minute Meeting Notes; Editing content, links and images for ONEWeekly article


Whiteboard Recording and Minute Meeting notes and Final Edits for ONEWeekly with Dan


April Deliverable recap documentation for Dan/Giv


22 Hour Work Week


Harmony All Hands Meeting, Content Research for ONEWeekly article and April Deliverables Summary Documentation


Ecosystem Content research for ONEWeekly content; Writing of ONEWeekly article with ecosystem content from Jeremy


On-site meeting recording and Editing of ONEWeekly article content.


Notion updates and formatting of documentation for transcriptions. TGI Community meeting notes and recordings for team.


Notion content updates, Final Edits for ONEWeekly Article content. Researching content for upcoming ONEWeekly with spotlight content on project news


20 Hour Work Week Payment received for 4/25 and 5/2


Content Research for this weeks ONEWeekly article; NFT project launches and reviews to be used within article.


Essa Off-site meeting recordings and notes for multiple meetings


ONEWeekly article writing, outlining of article template and creation of script for Loge and the ONEWeekly video.


20 Hour Work Week

New Pay Cycle

Harmony Off-site Meeting recording notations and Harmony All Hands Meetign


Harmony Off-site Meeting recording notations


Harmony Off-site Meeting recording notations


Harmony Off-site Meeting recording notations


Harmony Off-site Meeting recording notations


20 Hour Work Week Payment recieved for 5/9-5/22

New Pay Cycle

Harmony All Hands Meeting, Notion Document and updates; ONEWeekly Content Research


ONEWeekly Content research and Community Sentiment Meeting


ONEWeekly Article and Script Writing


Recording of Logen and RJ interview; Script Editing; Harmony meeting with Jeremy and Al and Whiteboard/Community Minute Meetings Notated.


ONEWeekly Newsletter editing and


24 Hour Work Week

New Pay Cycle

ONEWeekly content research through social media outlets and talk.harmony forum


On Site Meeting Notation, Team Call to review June Deliverables and Script Writing


On Site Meeting Notation, Call with Loge for script writing


ONEWeekly article writing and On Site Meeting Notation


20 Hour Work Week Payment recieved for weeks 5/23-6/3

New Pay Cycle

Notion Documentation and Content research for ONEWeekly article


ONEWeekly Content research from talk.harmony and platform sites. Begin script writing for ONEWeekly video series.


ONEWeekly Article outling and Script writing and editing


Core Team Meeting Recording and Notation


ONEWeekly Article editing and revisions; Documentation reading and review for updates


Final Edits of ONEWeekly for Medium Publication and Documentation reading


20 Hour Work Week

New Pay Cycle

Harmony All Hands Meeting, Content review for Harmony Ecosystem and Harmony Documentation review


ONEWeekly Team call and script preparation


ONEWeekly Script writing and organization of content


ONEWeekly Script editing with Logen and Harmony Documentation review


ONEWeekly Newsletter writing and final edits; Core Meeting Recording and notes


Official Documentaton review


20 Hour Work week Payment recieved for weeks 6/7 & 6/13

New Pay Cycle

Harmony All Hands Meeting, ONEWeekly Team Meeting to review content for this weeks article and video series


Core Team Recordings; Script Writing and ONEWeekly team call


Script Writing with Loge and Communication team call


Communication Team call and Core Team recording notation


Core Team Recording and meeting notation, Communication Posts for Medium Document


21 Hour Work Week

New Pay Cycle

Horizon Hack Medium Documentation, Core Team Recording and Minute Meeting Notes, Harmony Documents review, and All Hands Meeting


ONEWeekly Team meeting, Harmony Documentation review for updates, Community Action items and ecosystem research for ONEWeekly


Core Team Recording minute meeting notes


Community Sentiment Team Meeting, Core Team Meeting Recording and Minute Meeting Notes, Meeting with Flu and Ecosystem Research for developing project leads


Ecosystem Research for project leads, Notion documentation and peer reviews, Team Meeting and call with Travel agent for July On-site Meeting


Team Meeting and Harmony Official Documentation review


Harmony Official Documentation review and content


30 Hour Work Week Payment recieved for weeks 6/20 & 6/27

New Pay Cycle

Harmony All Hands Meeting


Harmony Team meeting, ONEWeekly Team meeting, Deliverable review and Documentation reading


Harmony Team Meeting; Loge preparation meeting for Stephen ONEWeekly interview and Content creation reading/review for On-site


Script writing; AV assistance for Stephen Interview and filming of Stephen’s ONEWeekly interview


ONEWeekly newsletter writing, ONEWeekly video review for edits and notes prior to launch, User guide and content reading for On-site meeting


ONEWeekly newsletter writing


ONEWeekly newsletter final edits, Call with Tim for On-Site team work and Medium preparation


30 Hour Work Week Payment recieved for week of 7/4

New Pay Cycle

Travel Day to On-site

Day One at On-site


Day Two at On-site


Day Three at On-site


Travel Day home from On-site

Day Off


Day Off


30 Hour Work Week

New Pay Cycle

All Hands Meeting, Harmony Documentation Review and Gitbook review


ONEWeekly team call, ONEWeekly content research for topics in this weeks newsletter/video, Team Recording


Team Meeting recordings, ONEWeekly content research, July content documentation review for Content team


Team Meeting Recordings, Deliverables and Intercom content writing


Team Meeting Recordings, Script Writing for ONEWeekly Video series/Stephen Recording


ONEWeekly newsletter writing and Intercom article reading/development.


ONEWeekly newsletter writing and Content Team call for Intercom documentation review


30 Hour Work Week Payment Recieved for weeks 7/11 & 7/18

New Pay Cycle

Writing of Intercom articles for Content team; Purchase of tokens through Binance, Wallets breakdown and beginning Gamefi category. All Hands Meeting


Updates to content on Intercom, creation of Wallet document, Team meetings for Developer Kickoff and ONEWeekly. Develop and outline for FAQ questions.


Creation of Token Movement documentation, Outline FAQ pages for Intercom and Content Team Call


Compare AVAX, Solana, ETH, ADA and other blockchain support documentation for user knowledge base


Day Off

ONEweekly team call, Intercome documentation reading


Developer documentation reading and concept layouts for new user journey; Intercom updates for template usage


30 Hour Work Week

New Pay Cycle

Content Team Call with Tim and Jeremy


Intercom Documentation creation for New Users focusing on wallet creation and options; ONEWeekly Team Meeting call with Daniel and Logan


ONEWeekly content research regarding ecosystem projects; Intercom documentation writing on Partner information page and beginning of ONEWeekly writing


Developer docs outlining user journey, ONEWeekly draft writing and call with Logan for content review.


User journey flow for developer and new user documentation, call with Jack and Tim to demonstrate Intercom product and Team Meeting recording


Intercom wallet documentation page


Intercom wallet documentation content expansion


30 Hour Work Week

New Pay Cycle

Content Team Meeting, All Hands Meeting, ONEWeekly content research and Intercom Wallet documentation


Intercom Wallet documentation editing and outline complete, ONEWeekly Team Meeting


Talk forum summary write up for ONEWeekly proposal, Team meeting recordings and updates for Intercom Games document


Notion updates for deliverables and timesheet; contact project leads for Games documentation on Intercom, create template for project feedback on Intercom documentation; editing Intercom Games' documentation for new projects.


Tiger Team July On-site
July 11th-15th
Copy of Invoice
PHL Parking
Uber from San Jose to Hotel
Uber from hotel to office
Food per diem x4, $25 max/day
$74.99 total over 6 receipts
Payment received:
Yes, paid on 8/1

Cultural Self Assessment

Read More
Self Assessment
Personal Story


conversation turn taking

9: I believe conversations occur in both verbal and non-verbal aspects when engaging with peers. The ability to listen is just as important, if not more important than the act of speaking.

My job focuses on 1:1 session with clientele; effective communication is essential to getting my job done well. I need my clients to develop a strong rapport with me and without listening, I can’t accomplish this.

disconfirm own beliefs

8: How others view the world and their opinions can provide thoughts and concepts I never would have considered and helps me grow as an individual

My thoughts and idea are not always the best solutions to problems for client treatments or even troubleshooting technical problems. I want others to show me how they do it; as their guidance and feedback teaches me how to do better.

self-aware and articulate

8: I am able to recognize my mindset and attitude and work to convey them clearly to others

I create goals and solutions to others’ problems; identify steps to guide them on how to complete their task. Completing this process in a simple yet instructive way helps all parties involved be successful.


share a drink

8: Hearing about my peers’ day is exciting to me.

I partake in weekly hangout calls with friends who live across the USA. I look forward to hearing about their accomplishments and how their lives are going. I am geniunely happy to see them succeed and grow as human beings.

spend 10 hours daily together

6: Having a family provides me opportunities to see them but work and life can be a barrier to spending the “quality time” I desire with them.

I view my home family and work family as one. I met my wife through work and have become incredibly close with numerous coworkers. Being able to see those closest to me in different settings helps me feel at peace, but can be limiting within the work place. I enjoy work but love spending time with my closest friends and family at home.

nurture and mentor

8: Being a role model for my clients in numerous skillsets is a goal I set for myself each time we have a session.

Working with individuals who have suffered head injuries requires patience and positive attitudes each and every day. Like everyone, they struggle to find their place in the world but I enjoy showing them that they do infact have a spot in the world and encourage them to go after it.


make everyone shine

8: In a rehab setting, it takes the whole team to ensure an individuals success. Success’s and Failures go both way; only by working together can we ensure the individual is successful in their goals.

Being a member of a team, whether in sports or at work, requires you to all work together to succeed.

people over process

7: Surrounding yourself with quality people will impact you in every aspect of life. Focus on finding and holding onto the people who make you better; leave behind the distractions and remain attentive to the positives in life. This is what I’ve witnessed during my work career and focus on creating those amazing relationships that make the process easier.

During the early part of my career, I worked with multiple negative coworkers. They focused on the wrong aspects of work and became a distraction in my life. Recognizing the type of person I was becoming and how it didn’t align with my ideals encouraged me to remove myself from that group and make new friends.

dare to disagree

5. Having an opinion is one thing that everyone possesses in the world. One of my biggest personal challenges is speaking up when I am not an expert on a topic but believe my input could be valuable.

Disagreeing with others is not inherently bad; disagreements allow for conversations to occur that may bring new ideas to the forefront that were not conceived prior. It’s about the tone and attitude in which you engage in the conversation; focusing on constructive criticisms will make us more successful in life.


long-time craftsmanship

7: Being open to learning and asking questions is something I only began to appreciate over the last few years. It is what led me to go pursue my Master’s Degree and reminds me of why I read constantly about topics that interest me. If I am not actively learning, then I am being stagnant.

I recognized I wasn’t learning anything for a good part of my 20’s. I recognized that to continue to move up in my career, I needed to take action and continue to learn.

obsess over details

7: Attention to detail is crucial when helping others and communicating online. If i misspeak or my context misunderstood, small missteps can lead to larger issues developing.

I spend more time now focusing on what my work looks like and how it will be received. Sloppy, rushed work will always require more time to fix than quality, polished work done right the first time.

hungry and foolish

6: Oh man, where to begin... My early experiences in Crypto alone provided me some hard learned lessons but also brought plenty of new experiences that I look back fondly on now.

I learned about the difference of DYOR vs. actually really doing my own research.


share the mission

8: Group focus is crucial to succeeding and achieving the dream. I recognize I am only one pillar supporting those who are striving to meet that goal.

I find that group successes are more rewarding than individual accomplishments. They are harder to achieve but provide more impact in this world.

optimisitc about flying off a cliff

7: Blind faith can be great but also a learning experience. Trusting the process will always teach me something I was not expecting.

Sometimes I just need to take a leap of faith and try something new in my life. It got me here and brought me a new, exciting opportunity in life.

your 50-year dream

8: A more educated world with more informed decision making. Too many individuals trust random people online but lack the desire to pursue that knowledge themselves. I want to see more active growth in my peers and myself; therefore for me to bring a positive impact in guiding others, I must continue to strive to learn more.

I want the world to be better for my children than what we see around us currently. Whether we discuss the environment, politics or humans in general... I want them to have a future where they want to live in.


consistent with own actions

7: I tend to reflect on previous decisions to see the outcomes of past actions. I aim to always be geniune in my actions and judge them on how sound and fair they were.

I am human and I am not perfect. I always want my next step to be better than my last.

make tough choices

6: Making the tough choice has always been a challenge for myself; always second guessing and doubting myself. During self-reflection periods, I often remind myself that sometimes you have to prioritize your needs over others.

In the near future, I will be faced with making a career choice. I know it will negatively impact my current coworkers due to how their workloads will be impacted, but I know it will be better for my mental health.

admit mistakes

8: Owning up to your mistakes is a part of growing up and becoming an adult. Accepting the mistake is key but also learning where I went wrong is just as important in order to improve upon my mistakes and continue doing better.

When I make an error, I look to bring it to someone’s attention and not wait. Waiting can create further issues that may have been avoided with early action.


top 1% superstar

6/7: I’ve never perceived myself as being the best of the best. I’ve always viewed my skills as rewards through hard work and not through natural talent. I may not be the greatest in any specific skillset, but I put in the work and dedication to learn.

I work hard to put my best effort forward each and every day. I may not be the perfect father, husband or person... but I wake up each morning dedicated to doing better than the previous day.

effective tooling

6/7: Tools come in all shapes and sizes; each tool can serve a purpose for different tasks. Typically, I look at a problem and see if I possess the tool to accomplish the job or if I need to learn one. Flexibility is key to learning skills because you can’t always be 100% prepared for everything.

My strongest tool is patience. Every individual can learn something with enough time and guidance. You just have to be willing to give them the time needed to learn.

relevant to our needs

8: Everyone needs a good partner or team to succeed; acknowledging that you bring an open mind and a positive attitude is cruical to succeeding in any job or workplace. I enjoy being a team player and providing that support in any aspect required to getting the job done.

Sometimes a coworker just needs a reminder to make that attempt. Being there for them, whether they succeed or fail is most important. If they fall, we can catch them. Encouragement is just as important as the attempt made.


10x growth

8: Learning is never quick or a one step process. Keeping an open mind is one item I have come to enjoy and embracing as of late. I desire to learn new skills and am eager to pick the brains of friends and peers.

Learning how to improve a process, whether by reducing something by one step or having more clarity on a topic; the goal is the same to me. I want to improve how I complete a task each and every time I do it.

voracious learner

8: No matter the circumstance, I want to take something away from it. To me, learning comes from both successes and failures.

Never stop wanting to learn.

contrarian thinker

6: Sometimes I trust my gut a little too much prior to stepping back and looking at the opposite stance from my situation. I struggle at times to provide opposition for myself and others in discussions, as I hesistant wanting to expose my knowledge or lack of knowledge in different situations.

I need to speak up more often. I find myself in situations after the fact that I should have said something but hesistanted and let the opportunity go by.


accomplish important work

7: Important work comes in all sizes and even the small, tedious tasks need to get done. I remind myself that you can’t only go from A - Z, you need the rest in between to get there.

Recognition that each task has a role to play.

activity < productivity

7: Being active is not always the same as being productive. There are times I will look back and even though I was doing work, it was regarding tasks that may have been secondary or tertiary in priority.

I have worked on making more “To-Do” lists to help ensuring my time management is prioritizing the correct tasks first.

thrive in chaos

8: I work in a facility with numerous distractions; individuals yelling, screaming and other loud noises. Being able to focus and concentrating on completing tasks can be challenging, but I enjoy the challenge.

Follow that “To-Do” list during those times when it feels like a warzone.


  • 🎮 Matthew Barrett ☁️ (end 8/11): 4 ONEWeekly Articles published, Building on user knowledge base on Intercom platform, coordinate AMA with team and community members. 0/25/0