




wallet, security

Ganesha Upadhyaya
April 1, 2021
End Date
May 31, 2022

Cultural Self Assessment

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Self Assessment + Personal Story
conversation turn taking
9 - listening to others is important part of building good project. Sometimes we’re so deep into that we lose perspective so taking the time to listen from product, fellow developer, other teams, users, and others is part of the process.
disconfirm own beliefs
5 - I always keep an open mind about my prior assumptions and listen to others and gather data; having your own conviction based on prior experience as well. Life is a Bayesian network = prior + new data.
self-aware & articulate
share a drink
9 - I always loved team events; It was the time to get personal; Most of the companies we went drinking a lot; but my favorite company, we had a small 4-5 ratpack, troublemakers, but we were the best in the company doing the coolest stuff. We celebrated our craziness and drive.
spend 10 hours daily together
9 - we’re building codes but we’re also working together as a team. so it’s always good to take breaks and remember to have fun.
nurture & mentor
9 - I had the opportunity to nurture and mentored several developers; Everyone has the potential and I want to help them reach their full potential. We interviewed many candidates for mobile dev but weren’t seeing someone we got really excited in term of passion and skills, until we interviewed girl name Linda. It was unusual but we knew she had potential. I trained her and later she went on to work many important projects after I left.
make everyone shine
7 - development is a team effort and credit should be where its due.
people over process
7 - Before coming the valley, I used to work in very process oriented companies so I really embraced it. My previous employer (Tango) really embraced the culture. We needed something done, go straight to the developer and we all had a mandate to help each other.
dare to disagree
7 -
long-time craftsmanship
9 - I coded since I was in 10th grade which was really cool for the days because it was 1994; Kids nowadays code at 5th grade but it’s different now. I went on to study C at community college, and self taught PHP, Perl to start my company at 16 and held for 8 years until after college. I always take on 3 - 4 different side projects which has proven to help me with my future jobs, and endeavors. For example, docker have never been part of my job, but I found them to be useful again and again to deploy complex setups to the cloud faster and easier.
obsess over details
9 - I’m a bit of a perfectionist. On UI, i would get the line to pixel perfect, and code architecture, I would make sure I have the best design by extensively looking at many projects and approaches and looking at pros and cons and formulating my approach.
hungry & foolish
9 - I never let myself stay too comfortable, always tackling new projects, or technologies. Often some them take me on interesting journeys. I played around with mining early 2018 and it helped me understand the amazing thing about blockchain. That led to deeper understanding, and meeting more like minded folks. That led to founding Quanta with my team and raising capital to build Defi trading platform. I still am, looking at latest trends in this space and keep on building.
share the mission
optimistic about flying off a cliff
your 50-year dream
consistent with own actions
make tough decisions
admit mistakes
top 1% superstar
effective tooling
relevant to our needs
10x growth
voracious learner
contrarian thinker
accomplish important work
activity < productivity
thrive in chaos
Timesheet 2022 - Hash