Daine Gostas

Daine Gostas




Figma Front-End & Graphic Design

Brian Felsen
June 21, 2022
End Date
September 2, 2022


Daine’s love for drawing doodles and dragons during English class started him on a path that evolved into graduating with a degree in fine arts … and not creative writing. However, that didn’t stop him from pursuing his love of story telling. Graduating from the University of Montana with a focus in filmmaking and animation, Daine traded his plane ticket for Hollywood for the opportunity to return to where his childhood and story began: Wyoming. Here, with affordable housing and plentiful resources, Daine designed and prototyped his company, pursued crypto, and later started his work for Harmony.

Daily Tasks

  • 3 Questions, 2 Options
  • Add tab in NFT Mint prototype for collection

Current Goals / Deliverables

August Deliverables 100/100/100%

Deliverables: High fidelity Figma prototype for dj3n, Front-end PRD visuals for batch minting in minter dApp, Front-end PRD visuals for NFT explorer.

Scrapped / Altered / Previous Deliverables



Timesheet 2022 - Daine Gostas

Reimbursements 2022 - Daine Gostas

Cultural Self Assessment

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Self Assessment + Personal Story
conversation turn taking
Rate 1 - 10 with 10 being the best
disconfirm own beliefs
8 - I think the only way someone can know everything is to have lived every life. All of my beliefs came from my own life and experiences, and those are always subject to change.
self-aware & articulate
9 - I think the first step to understanding oneself is to listen to oneself. If you can understand who you are and what you like about yourself, learning to understand others comes naturally.
share a drink
7 - When times are difficult, only the ones who work together will survive the toughest storms, but if we’re all stuck on a literal life boat, then we have a difficult decision to make.
spend 10 hours daily together
6 - There’s a reason this question says 10 instead of 20, personal space and time for reflection is important.
nurture & mentor
9 - If you need help and you know I’m the only man for the job, grab a chair and have a seat my friend.
make everyone shine
10 - I believe everyone has greatness in them and not putting in the effort to find it is a missed opportunity.
people over process
10 - Everything around us was created by an individual no smarter that yourself. You can’t build a society or a project without trust.
dare to disagree
9 - Disagreements are opportunities for both parties to learn. If we’re all on the same page, perfect; if not we, need to fix it.
long-time craftsmanship
9 - Ever since I learned how to play with Legos I’ve always been building.
obsess over details
9 - Perfection isn’t knowing that you’ve added enough, but hitting the limit on what you can remove.
hungry & foolish
7 - There’s always a method to the madness.
share the mission
8 - Teamwork makes the dream work.
optimistic about flying off a cliff
9 - The path less traveled is often the most scenic route.
your 50-year dream
7 - Family, friends, and something to share with them.
consistent with own actions
9 - Understanding leads the machine, but adaptability is important.
make tough decisions
9 - Flying to San Jose on a whim is a good way to test this out.
admit mistakes
9 - Admit when it’s unfixable or out of your ballpark, ask questions when it is fixable and learn to prevent it from happening again, then admit after it’s fixed.
top 1% superstar
8 - Seek those older and wiser than yourself if you find yourself being the smartest in the room.
effective tooling
9 - In order to be a machine you first have to know what it’s like to build one.
relevant to our needs
9 - Relevancy must first be obtained from within or that fight could destroy you.
10x growth
9 - Throw yourself into space and learn how to get back to Earth, just make sure you have enough oxygen.
voracious learner
8 - Who we are is determined by what we’ve learned, education rewards all that seek it.
contrarian thinker
9 - Thinking outside of the box will still put you in a bigger box, it’s often a good idea to take a break once and awhile and you might notice a hole in the current box.
accomplish important work
9 - Is it often an uphill battle? Yes. However, the higher the climb the better the view.
activity < productivity
8 - Productivity is important, but maintaining mental health is also highly productive.
thrive in chaos
9 - The world is chaos, it’s our job to thrive in it.