
Project Y - LA

GOAL: 1,000 creators building on Harmony

Project Y for NFTLA will consist of 4 teams (below). Each team will have a MAD NFT advisor, should the project be NFT related. The purpose of a MAD advisor is to facilitate quick onboarding of the NFT project, and give that project a strong connection to a Harmony NFT Marketplace. MAD Advisors are each given $20,000 (Two social token/NFT projects) to bring to their Harmony team.

There are two types of project Y grants in NFTLA: 1) $10K social token & 2) $50 Launch grant

  • For $10K social token please create a telegram group and post a Talk.Harmony.one forum post about the project by April 2nd at the latest.
  • For the $50K Launch grant, please create a telegram group and have their team follow launch grant funding guidelines on Talk.harmony.one with five (5) $10K tranches. Link to grants page: HERE

The ONEPitch event will provide each Judge with an additional $10K for that event, to be split up into micro-grants over the course of the event. Each team will elect one judge. MAD will also have one judge.

Project Y Teams

MAD Advisor
Project Names
Devin P. MartyAdrian Robison
JP Birch
Vera LiDanny Carranza
Jeff Williams
NouraJacky Wang
GabrielJudy Zhao

Budget per Team: $200,000 - 20 Social tokens or 4 Launch Grant (mix and match)

Total Project Y Budget: $850,000

Possible social tokens funded: 80 (at $10,000 each) + ONEPitch (at $2,500 each) = ~100 projects