Hourly Timesheet - PJ Conley






Total: 62

Submitted 5/26 - Received /

Total: 13


Posting timesheet from notes and going through hours to add information so that the timesheet is up to par with expectations. Then sending the timesheet to Matt and Rob for Approval


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets. Adding subtitles to one weekly video on Youtube.


Avengers call talking about scaling back conferences and focusing on the designated 5 conferences for the next 6 weeks. Idea of having one person for scouting out event locations over $100k. Lastly, talking about location and ideas for the ONE Conference. Collecting ONEquest winners from the weekend and today and sending funds to their wallets. Adding subtitles to one weekly video on Youtube.

Total: 17


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Working on the ETH Mexico City strategy by emailing the organizer for the pitch deck again. It will be available at the end of the month. Then adding the details for the event on the notion page. Messaging with Jose about possible plans and other updates from his emailing efforts. Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Avengers call talking about the new guidelines for events. Scaling back on events and those that can participate from the team. Collecting ONEquest winners from the weekend and today and sending funds to their wallets.

Total: 14


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets. Writing and revising the ETH Mexico City ecosystem benefits for the strategy. Looking up the financial center history of Mexico City and beginning the overview for ETH Mexico City by researching the stats for this city.


No Avengers call this week. Collecting ONEquest winners from the weekend and today and sending funds to their wallets.

Total: 18


Collecting ONEquest winners and sending funds to their wallets.


Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets from May 1-5. Re-emailing the sponsors of Mexico City for the exact location and sponsorship decks (No response as of yet to me, Jose has had one response)


Fulfilled all of the remaining ONEquest from April after receiving the funds from /invoices on 5/3. This includes going through all google forms from each days applicants, organizing winners from each day and then sending funds to their wallets.


Avengers call talking merchandise scalability, new roles on Avengers team, and events. Discussed the possibility of have one of the Avengers team go on a tour of all our next events to find venues worthy of our events. Venue locations and getting the crowds to our events in NFT NYC. Listening to the team All Hands meeting. Checking in with Rob on the status of my ONEquest tokens so that I can begin my ONEquest deliverable for May. Messaging with contacts/friends in Mexico City to see their availability and interest in volunteering for side events at ETH Mexico City.



Total: 105

Submitted 5/1 - Received

Total: 25


Meeting with Matt discussing the completion of my April deliverables and creation of my May deliverables. Going through emails and messages to find exact dates of when I contacted members at ETH/ETH Global for updates on ETH Mexico City. Organizing and rewriting timesheet to be up to par.


Contacting Harmony native projects for Miguel that can be used at events to bring in investors. Receiving pitch decks and investment types that they are looking for. Contacting connections in Mexico City about the best places to stay, best venues for events, and how to connect with the people there about crypto. Inputting all of my hours from the past 2 weeks from my notes to my public timesheet with full descriptions for the core team. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Contacting event holders of ETH Mexico City asking for exact locations of events, hotels, etc. Also contacting about the sponsorship decks. Researching best hotels close to el Centro in Mexico City and venues for TGIs. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Catching up on ONEquest organizing the forms sent in and sending the funds to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of each day from 4/


Avengers call talking about upcoming events. Going over Vegas vs alternative locations and voting on where to research more. Harmony All-Hands call for entire team and community. Call with Miguel about Harmony native projects and how to best appeal to investors during events and gain investments for these projects. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.

Total: 18


Community Events call with the Community Events Team led by Esther; talked about building out the community events playbook and new process for attending/leading smaller events under $100k. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Researching the COVID requirements, safety precautions, and Passport requirements needed for the team for ETH Barcelona. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets. Call with contacts from the ETH Rio telegram group to see how to better help the communities in Rio continue to push into the Web3 space and keep contact while we are not there.


Researching the COVID requirements, safety precautions, and Passport requirements needed for the team for ETH Mexico City. Gathering passport and Barcelona info from the Harmony core team for Essa to know which core team members will be going to Barcelona. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Avengers call with the Avengers team to discuss upcoming events, including divvying up responsibilities for all future events according to the playbook. Harmony All-Hands call for entire team and community. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.

Total: 21


Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Writing copy for the ZKU video including title, description and meta tags. Writing all of the subtitles for the ZKU video then sending the srt file to Adrian. Inputting all of my hours from the past 2 weeks from my notes to my public timesheet. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Writing copy for the NFT LA video including title, description and meta tags. Writing all of the subtitles for the NFT LA video then sending the srt file to Adrian.Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Avengers call talking about upcoming events and going over Coachella, Barcelona and other upcoming events. Harmony All-Hands call for entire team and community. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.

Total: 20


Updating April Deliverables with links on the team notion page. Gathering passport, Paris, and New York info from the Harmony core team for Essa to know which core team members will be attending Paris and New York events. Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets.


Creating the Title, Description, and Meta Tags for Stephen’s video for Adrian.Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


Avengers Call discussing events roles, NYFT NYC, new internal communication platform, funding for events and projects. Listening to the Harmony All Hands meeting, Writing all of the captions for the final ETH Rio video from Adrian, Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets from dates 3/10-3/23, Call with Essa discussing roles in events from here on out, Call with Wolf about contributor roles and onboarding.


Writing the title, description, and meta tags for the ETH Rio video.

Total: 21


Filling out Contributor page and reading through the onboarding docs, Filling out my April Deliverables before Meeting with Matt discussing role as contributor


Filling out April Deliverables and Day-to-day tasks


Finalizing last Project Y proposal and funding for team TMT, Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


Filling out my contributor page including April’s deliverables and my expertise with day-to-day tasks, Organizing and sending in receipts from ETH Rio for reimbursement, In chat with Project Y recipients and drafting a proposal for the grant


Avengers Call discussing future of events and how to maximize efficiency with internal communications, Harmony All-Hands call for entire team and community, Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


Project Y reviewal process and accepting the projects with proposals under Gabby and I




Submitted 3/29 - Received 4/12

Total: 17


5 hours translating and captioning ETH Rio videos for Adrian/ 2 hours spent on Project Y reviewing proposals and finalizing grants for grant recipients


4 hours translating and captioning ETH Rio videos for Adrian


2 hours translating and captioning ETH Rio videos for Adrian


2 hours on Project Y grant write-ups and meetings with possible recipients


2 hours meeting with Project Y recipients and chatting about next steps for those chosen

Total: 28


1 hour collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets/ 2 hours Project Y at hackathon


2 hour of collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


Soccer tournament 1 hour of getting teams planned and taking down/ 1 hour of taking down signage after event


2 hours of ONEquest/ 6 hours at booth talking to projects


5 hours conference booth and finding projects/ 4 hours on video for Adrian


4 hours setting up signage, running scholar luncheon, taking down

Total: 20


2 Hour of writing copy for Adrian Youtube/2 hours of Harmony meeting and workshops/3 hour for dinner TGI


1 hour talk with anna Lisa about Spanish content/Blue DAO meeting 4-5:30/2 hours harmony event organizing clothes and setting up


Organize Harmony dinner, throw it, and take down


Researching Brazil COVID and hotel requirements call/avengers call/onequest

Total: 2


Researching flights and speaking to Hotel about travel requirements


Invoice submitted

Total: 9


Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


Calling venues and researching online for Rio/Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


Catching up on ONEquest and messaging winners


12-2 Loading merch and Uhaul

Total: 20


1-2:30 taking out trash at booth and loading merch back into Uhaul


10:30-3 Uhaul Organizing, bringing gear to Castle and run booth, transporting boxes for Amy's talk


Collecting ONEquest winners and send funds to their wallets


6-9 Setup for Deadmau5/Take equipment to Castle


11-12 ONEquest/4-6 Organizing room/8-1 event booth and cleannup