Cathie So




quantum computing, zero knowledge proof, circom

Ganesha Upadhyaya


December 18, 2021
End Date
Try out my very own zkPhoto on Harmony testnet here

Cathie So is a neuroscientist and a physicist by training, but she has been working as a Data Scientist for multiple Fintech and EdTech Startups in the past five years. She is a researcher, an educator, and a public speaker on the topics of Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning, and Quantum Computing.

Cathie holds a PhD from HKU, two master’s degrees in physics and computer science from USC, and a bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics from HKUST. In the pre-Covid times, Cathie is well-traveled and has completed the 30 countries before 30 years old challenge.

2022 Q3 deliverables:

help ZKU Mar-Apr cohort to launch 20 products on mainnet
proposal to form hkDAO and social media platform launching
Start a node module named “circomlib-ml”, a library of machine learning related templates in circom that will be useful for zkML

2022 Q1 deliverables:

help develop teaching materials
provide support to students as TA, to achieve 5+ product launches from class
launch own ZK product
📸zkPhoto: Private Authentic Photo Sharing🤝a survey on trusted setups⏱️Timesheet