Li Jiang

Li Jiang

Created time
Sep 12, 2021 9:15 PM

Li Jiang has founded a logistic startup during college with the highest revenue. During his six years at GSV Capital, Li organized Pioneer Summit and Global Education Summit with 1,500 attendees including Bill Campbell and Barack Obama.

Li holds an economics degree from Northwestern University. He is an adjunct professor at Northwestern's Farley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Li trains on ultimate frisbee daily and owns an amateur team that won nationally in 2017.

Cultural Self Assessment

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Self Assessment


conversation turn taking

8: i prefer to understand first before seeking to be understood (franklin covey).

disconfirm own beliefs

6: i have to force myself to disconfirm my own beliefs more; i use books and podcasts as the main way to expose myself to opposing ideas and keep an open mind.

self-aware & articulate

7: i believe in the need to become more self aware, this year i'm practicing more meditation this year. need to work on articulate through practice.


share a drink

0: i don’t drink, but i’ll stay with you until 4am as your teammate and moral support.

spend 10 hours daily together

10: my role model is alexander the great, who fought on the frontlines with his army and even took the first arrows and blades in battle. that’s my goal is to be with the team working as much as i can.

nurture & mentor

9: I try to practice this everyday though my belief is "tough love", letting someone figure it out on their own versus handholding.


make everyone shine

8: we'll get more done if no one cares who gets credit for the work. we have a lot of stars on the team and i do not need to be visible as long as our full team is performing at a high level.

people over process

8: people shape the process and culture, very few people like process actually and most processes are just the least bad ones. its like how no amount of exercise can outrun a bad diet, no amount of process can overcome people who are not bought in. and a team of strong people who are committed can make any ordinary process work well for the team.

dare to disagree

7: i need to work on disagreeing more. im generally not a confrontational person so i have to work on disagreeing in a nice way, but bring up my concerns and viewpoints backed by thoughtful evidence and research. generally i dont disagree unless i have studied the topic deeply.


long-time craftsmanship

8: i want to live to 100+ years old so i guess by default my marriage and my future children are my long term craft. work wise, i've been inspired by the long term vision of everyone on the team and it's helped me think about the decade long future of harmony, blockchain, and open platforms.

obsess over details

9: i think this was trained in me as an investment banker to obsess over details in spreadsheet, reading all the communication channels, etc.

hungry & foolish

7: i used to be so foolish, but then my last job really made me less so because of the team politics. to be honest, it has been a journey for me to remember how hungry and foolish i used to be and to gain that back.


share the mission

9: of course, and i want to see each of your dreams and mission come alive even beyond your own imaginations.

optimistic about flying off a cliff

7: it took me a long time to jump off the cliff, i tend to get excited about scaling something that already exists. i dont feel like i need to have the original idea.

your 50-year dream

8: yes i like thinking about 50 years or even 100 years doing something that can be inspiring to my kids and grandkids so that they can be their best selves.


consistent with own actions

8: i feel that i wouldn't ask anyone to do something that i wouldn't be willing to do myself, and won't say something unless i believe deeply in it, which sometimes means i'm holding myself back from suggesting something if i dont know it 100%.

make tough decisions

7: i want to get better at making tough decisions, most of the time, my framework is utilitarianism, the most good for the most people but i also need to be more empathetic to everyone.

admit mistakes

9: yes please tell me when i make mistakes.


top 1% superstar

8: even though i try to get myself up at 6/7am, workout, execute, i have many friends who are so much tougher than i am mentally and always seem to perform at such a high level. changing my diet towards (mostly) vegan, doing intermittent fasting, and working out (rowing 6-10kms) are the tools i use to perform at my best.

effective tooling

7: i only know excel, trying to pick up 1-2 shortcuts and optimizations every day.

relevant to our needs

9: i try to practice no ego, there are a few things where i like to do things "my way" but most of the time it's stupid, just do things the way that works for the team or the other person you are collaborating with, reduce the friction for everyone.


10x growth

8: trying to 10x myself and being open to learning new tools (github) while learning from everyone.

voracious learner

7: i keep learning, but over time i've noticed that so many of the books i read talk about similar principles so what i need to do is to branch out and learn new things, try new sports, etc.

contrarian thinker

9: i'm greedy when others are fearful, because i lived through the 2008 financial crisis. i usually invest on the worst day, "the biggest drop", etc.


accomplish important work

7: i want to accomplish more deeper work, but i understand that some of my small work adds up over time to combine into something important.

activity < productivity

8: i try to do the top 2-3 things in the morning before work hours to maximize focus.

thrive in chaos

8: yes, i understand that workflow is very fluid at a startup and there's a balance between hacking something together and avoid building long term business and technical debt.

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