
Diego Nava




Elastic RPC; Key Partner Success; Backend Scalability

Leo Chen
May 9, 2022
End Date
November 30, 2022


Diego is a software engineer with ten years of experience in technologies such as Go, Python, Javascript, AWS, K8S, and RabbitMQ. With a degree in electronics and then a master's in computer science, he started his career as a FullStack engineer. However, in a constantly growing technological space, he focused on the backend and infrastructure by working on highly available systems.

He has been working in the traditional web2 following scalability and performance principles. Still, in an ever-changing world, he decided to refocus his path on the web3 ecosystem, as many he started as an investor until he decided it was time to start building.

During his free time he enjoys activities in the open space, such as hiking, swimming, talking with friends, and enjoying a glass of craft beer. Like many, he loves traveling a talking with people with all kinds of mindsets.


💔RPC stress test📐Final Elastic RPC Design

Standup 14-17 Nov

I’ll have a patchy schedule this week, as a result of that i might not be able to join the standups. So I’ll be reporting my updates here:

Mon 14

  • Migrated the BLS keys for testnet S0 to other new 4 nodes.
  • Debugged with Soph an issue where new validators weren’t able to fetch peers, had to restart the bootnodes
  • Resolved some other smaller on-call issues
  • Started an external validator for shard 0


June 2022

Week update 13 to 17

  • Worked on sanity tests
  • Jenkins job testing the RPC api every hour
  • First OnCall week
  • Start planning terraform topology
  • Studied the TKIV cluster

Week update 06 to 10

  • Full review of Lutty PR
  • Research into the ETH data storage structure
  • Initial tests on the elastic RPC up to 10% plus some issue fixes
  • Started looking into the Offline flag for readers in the RPC architecture

Week update 30 to 03

  • Finished the book Mastering ETH
  • Catch up with Lutty and Haodi
  • Familiarize with Lutty PR
  • Helped to solve the beacon chain sync issue on shard 3 and 2

May 2022

Week update 23 to 27

  • DevOps processes onboarding with Soph
  • RPC architecture proposal
  • Stress test architecture proposal
  • Discussed architectures with Leo and Soph
  • Keep reading book Mastering ETH
  • Dive into Harmony codebase and documentation

Week update 16 to 20

  • Started a stronger technical onboarding
  • Finished the book Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
  • Familiarisation and understanding the RPC code in the harmony one repository
  • Familiarisation with the AWS architecture set up
  • Chat with Victa about stress testing, among many things we agreed how we want to split the bounty
  • Fist iteration of stress and elastic RPC designs
  • Started reading the Book Mastering ETH

Week update 09 to 13

  • General onboarding, accesses, familiarisation with the code book, processes, etc.
  • Call with Soph about current architecture and general tips
  • Call with Jack, talked a bit about RPCs and general tips
  • Started reading the book Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
  • Small implementation of Bitcoin in Go

Timesheet 2022 - Diego Nava

Pay (Hours x Rate)

Cultural Self Assessment, Diego Nava

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Self Assessments
Personal Story


conversation turn taking

8- I think I am good in both finding the timing when is my time to talk and let others speak their minds out

My family is extremely talkative and extrovert, in a way I was the most introvert, thanks to that I learnt to listen, but as I grew up had to learn the skill to find the correct timing to express a thought without let everyone feeling like you hijacked the conversation.

disconfirm own beliefs

8- If facts are presented, then, is time to shift your paradigms. I think this is an ever growing skill

During 2016 my boss told me he was moving all his saving to BTC, he tried to explain why, but I was too sceptic to even listen. And well, here I am, working at a crypto project, had to disconfirm quite a few own beliefs to get here.

self-aware & articulate

7- I like to understand why I enjoy certain things and most importantly understand what I don’t like or want to do.

This is a skill I learned from my therapist, she once told me Diego you are very vocal when you like or want something, however, what is that you don’t like? I went speechless and with time I figured that bit was even more important. Now I can say “Cheese burger with lettuce” … ok no ..

share a drink

9- what a better way to bond than with a drink.

I discovered I like crafted beers after hanging out with some colleagues who were so into that world

spend 10 hours daily together

7- Looking at someone else’s code is a way to spend time together

If there is something I miss about going to the office is spending time with colleagues.

nurture & mentor

8- Mentoring is a great way to measure your own progress and to leave a fingerprint in someone else’s life

I remember the first time I was assigned the role of Buddy, which was nothing else than mentoring a new-joiner in his/her engineering path in the company. I was quite nervous thinking I wouldn’t make the cut, however, I realised how much of a progress I’ve done. I think we did a good job since we are still in contact with all the guys I mentored, they still send me WhatsApps sharing their life milestones, as if they were proud to share that with me.

make everyone shine

9- Being a good team-member means celebrating your colleagues successes

I’ve been lucky enough to share my path with teams where this kind of behaviour flows so naturally

people over process

9- At the end of the day is people who makes processes work

I’ve noticed that when I become more creative is when I work in environments where I don’t feel I am another pawn with little say in how things could go

dare to disagree

8- Diversity of opinion is key to find creative solutions, however, is important to share your thoughts empathically

There is a quote I like: “To every problem there are always three solutions, yours, mine and the correct one”


long-time craftsmanship

8- I’m not a disciplined person but I’m devoted and that makes a big difference

I love building, and I can spend countless hours thinking, reading and getting my hands dirty. When I was a child I used to break my toys because I wanted to find out how did they work, my father was so pissed every time haha

obsess over details

8- I can spend quite a lot of time iterating on solutions I’ve worked on, just because I find points of improvement every time

At my first job I used to spend tons of time refining solutions, till my boss Abraham once told me “hey Diego, it works fine just leave it, find something else to do”

hungry & foolish

9- I get hungry about the future of tech and my part on it and foolishness comes as a result of that hunger

I started my tech journey as an electronic engineer, from there I went to become a FullStack, then a backend, then Infrastructure, and here I am in the Blockchain industry as motivated as my first work

share the mission

9- Crypto is a generational opportunity, I’m more than happy to help building towards a more scalable Harmony

Ever since I learned about crypto I realised how much I wanted to start building and help to build that decentralise future we all need. Just this week I tried to send money from my Danish account to my German account, since both accounts run in different currencies, my bank block the transaction, I had to call them, and after a long chat they released my funds

optimistic about flying off a cliff

8- I find this specially appealing when I’m in a comfort zone

I moved from Mexico to Poland with once suit case and my backpack, then when I got comfortable in Poland, moved to Denmark and now I’m doing the same to Spain. I probably should settle soon

your 50-year dream

8- Peacefull and fullfiling

I like the story of Steve Wozniak that after having a main role in the foundation of Apple and the creation of personal computers. He spent his next years teaching and sharing. Greatness and humbleness conveying in a single lifetime.

consistent with own actions

8- I like to spend time asking myself what I don’t like/want and I find that helps me to build consistency and integrity

I think this is one of those things in life where you keep growing at

make tough decisions

7- Hard but so necessary if is for the better

I like the quote: “Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually” I think this same concept can be applied to virtually any situation in life, it means sacrificing the short-term in favor the long-term

admit mistakes

8- Mistakes a the best part of the cake, since is where you actually learn, in some cases touch rock bottom, that is one of the most powerful motivators.

Fail fast, fail often and fail forward, a popular quote used by many, but it encloses a fundamental truth, that growth happens in great measure when you fail.


top 1% superstar

6- Constant improvement is key, but becoming a superstart is not a goal since is always open for interpretation

The idea of become the top 1% is such a broad concept, keep improving in live while keeping a balance is way more rewarding.

effective tooling

8- Like to automate repetitive tasks and research about tools that will make mi everyday life easier

There is dignity in simplicity, if something can be simplified then why not.

relevant to our needs

9- Harmony strives for scalability and I happen to have experience on that

When i got the offer from Harmony I was so happy, I’m thrilled to apply my knowledge into this novel industry while at the same time I keep learning

10x growth

8- I have growth both as a professional and person, but this is an ongoing journey.

quote I like: “I haven’t come this far just to come this far”

voracious learner

8- One of the things of start working in this industry is that I’m forced to learn at a full speed and the best part is that I love it

Tech is evolving at an unmeasurable speed you can not afford to sit idle thinking you already learnt enough, if you are passionate the learning process becomes a part of your life.

contrarian thinker

7- Like to understand and being understood as well

Understand before making yourself understood

accomplish important work

8- I like the feeling of getting things done, and even more when I hit important milestones

When I am passionate about something is not work, it becomes a goal I put all my skills to get done.

activity < productivity

8- I think is better to work smart rather than hard

You can run all day in circles and not going anywhere

thrive in chaos

9- Love chaos, is where best ideas are brewed.

When you are submerged in chaos you can not afford to sit still, you’ve got the fundamental need to think creatively.

☁️Cloud costs detailed