Clear Writing: Day 1 North

Clear Writing: Day 1 North

Everyone must practice clear writing: replace adjectives with data, guide 100% readers replicate making the same decision, and shorten its narratives every day.

We are a Day-1 startup. Blockchains are becoming the foundation of the global economy, yet their adoption is at only 1%. That means that you as a pioneer and developer are shaping the future with 10X impact. Harmony is a community-driven project, a network with hundreds of applications, and a team wearing crazy ambitions on their sleeves. Because the invincible summer awaits! – To Web3

For /progress, write two full sentences on the insights and the impacts of your work – not meetings or names. Describe their challenges and solutions with design tradeoffs, metric numbers, reference links; make your notes useful for anyone to learn and take over your tasks.


🌊Your Career: To Yearn for the Vast and Endless Web3

πŸ’™Stephen Tse (s)