
Executives ($1M annual compensation)
Devs ($500K)
If we are to hire 20 more full-time permanent core team, how to split among the positions?
I don’t know which timeframe is considered here with the “20 extra core team members” - but if it’s somewhat short-term (ie. 6-12 months), I’d personally be very cautious and somewhat advise against that tbh. That’s almost doubling the team if I have that right? Having gone through multiple rounds of “fast scaling” on the people front both at Google and in startups, I’ve seen none actually pay off. It’s borderline impossible to find the “right people” that fast, and it inevitably ends up having a generally negative impact on both culture and quality. That aside, if there’s an opp and need to expand the core team, I’d double down on what Harmony does best to stay on top of the tech game (ie. more devs) and complement it with a couple folks who can help best both focus/guide the efforts (ie. product) as well as help communicate/grow the company’s mission, vision and ultimately impact adoption (ie. marketing)
Marketing ($200k)
Partnership ($400K)
Products ($300K)