Are you counting the value or the valuation? Dancing for love or for score? Is your life full of activity and productivity – or, does it bring meanings? Coming of age, stars burn to shine on others’ dreams.
Stars, they come and go They come fast or slow They go like the last light Of the sun, all in a blaze And all you see is glory But it gets lonely there When there's no one here to share We can shake it away If you'll hear a story
People lust for fame Like athletes in a game We break our collarbones And come up swinging Some of us are downed Some of us are crowned And some are lost And never found But most have seen it all They live their lives in Sad cafes and music halls They always have a story
Some make it when they're young Before the world has Done its dirty job And later on, someone will say "You've had your day You must make way" But they'll never know the pain Of living with a name you never owned Or the many years forgetting What you know too well
The ones who gave the crown Have been let down You try to make amends Without defending
Perhaps pretending You never saw the eyes Of grown men of twenty five That followed as you walked And asked for autographs Or kissed you on the cheek And you never could believe They really loved you
Some make it when they're old (Perhaps they have a soul They're not afraid to bare Or perhaps there's nothing there)
Some women have a body Men will want to see So they put it on display Some people play a fine guitar I could listen to them Play all day Some ladies really Move across a stage And gee, they sure can dance I guess I could learn how If I have it half a chance
But I always feel so funny When my body tries to soar And I seem to always worry About missing the next chord
I guess there isn't anything To put up on display Except the tunes And whatever else I say Anyway, that isn't really What I meant to say I meant to tell a story I live from day to day
Stars, they come and go They come fast or slow They go like the last light Of the sun, all in a blaze And all you see is glory But those who've seen it all They live their lives In sad cafes and music halls We always have a story
So if you don't lose patience With my fumbling around I'll come up singing for you Even when I'm down
💙 The Origin of Love
⭐ Novell Loh 🌟✨ 💫 🤩 🌠 🌃 ☪️
💫 Other Stars
A hundred years ago Myra Bradwell wanted to be a lawyer. She had fulfilled the requirements for the Illinois bar, but she wasn’t allowed to practice because she was a woman -- an injustice, she asked the Supreme Court to correct. Illinois was so confident of victory, they didn’t even send a lawyer to argue their side. They were right. She lost. That was the first time someone went to court to challenge his or her prescribed gender role. A hundred years ago.
Radical. Social. Change. Sixty-five years ago, when women in Oregon wanted to work overtime, and make more money, as men could, the Court looked to the precedent in Bradwell -- and said no. So then there were two precedents. Then three. Then four. And on. And on. And you can draw a direct line from Myra Bradwell to Gwendolyn Hoyt -- told ten years ago she was not entitled to a jury of her peers.
That is the legacy the Government asks you to uphold today. You are being urged to protect the culture and traditions and morality of an America that no longer exists.A generation ago, my students would have been arrested for indecency for wearing the clothes that they do.
Sixty-five years ago, it would have been unimaginable that my daughter would aspire to a career. And a hundred years ago, I would not have the right to stand before you.
There are a hundred and seventy-eight federal laws that differentiate on the basis of sex. Count them. The Government did the favor of compiling them for you. And while you’re at it, I urge you to read them. They're obstacles to our children’s aspirations.
Doyle: You're asking us to turn over nearly a century of precedent.
Ginsburg: I’m asking you to set a new precedent, as courts have done before when the law is outdated.
Judge: But in those cases the courts had a clear constitutional handle. The word "woman" does not appear even once in the U.S. Constitution.
Ginsburg: Nor does the world "freedom," Your Honor.
The guest replied, “‘The moon is luminous, the stars are sparse, the birds are flying south’...”
I commented, “Do you happen to know the nature of water or the moon? Water is always on the run like this, but never lost in its course; the moon always waxes and wanes like that, but never out of its sphere. When viewed from a changing perspective, nothing in this universe can remain unchanged even within a blink of an eye, but when looked at from an unchanging perspective, everything conserves itself, and so do we. Therefore, what’s in them to be admired?” – 苏轼《前赤壁赋》

My voices and analogies / Ambitions like ribbons / Worn bright on my sleeve Strange how we know each other / Strange how I fit into you There's a distance erased with the greatest of ease Strange how you fit into me / A gentle warmth filling the deepest of needs – Eric's Song, Vienna Teng
ONE Book: Create Wealth in Harmony