Timeless Social Wallet – User Guide & Security

Timeless Social Wallet – User Guide & Security

💰Keyless Social Wallets via One-Time-Passwords (OTP Authenticator)

What is Timeless Wallet?

Timeless is a non-custodial wallet with an intuitive user interface partnered with multiple chains including Harmony. It is the world’s first simple, secure, and social wallet.

Why Timeless Wallet?

Simple: Users enjoy the benefits of non-custodial without the need to manage a seed phrase or private key. This abstracts away all the complexity that other crypto wallets have, providing a much better user experience than ever before possible.

Secure:  Biometrics, secure enclaves, multiparty computation, and FiDO are all powerful tools that can deliver stronger security yet are easy for users. Together, these technologies provide secure protection that prevents single points of failure and reduces the risk of user error, protecting users' digital assets and personal information.


The line between social networking and the economy is increasingly blurred. A wallet-to-wallet communication layer enables web3 builders to spawn original ideas, create better communities and unlock novel forms of value creation. As the world's first social wallet, Timeless provides powerful tools for everyone to manage digital assets and participate in DeFi together.

How is Timeless Wallet related to Harmony?

Harmony partners with Timeless and allows users to do 2-second transactions through Harmony Mainnet.

How to use Timeless Wallet?

  1. Open the Timeless Wallet app, and click the + button to create your wallet.
  1. Click Create to create your first non-custodial wallet. If you already have a crypto wallet (e.g., MetaMask wallet, Coinbase wallet) and want to use your tokens in the Timeless Wallet, click Import to transfer your balance to Timeless Wallet.
  1. Timeless Wallet allows users to name their wallets. The wallet names replace the long hex alphanumerical wallet addresses to make payments more efficient and secure.
  1. Each user can create multiple wallets under the user account, and the profile page will also list all your Timeless Wallet addresses under the profile page.
  1. Timeless Wallet supports seven EVM-chains (e.g., Avalanche, BNB Smart Chain, Ethereum, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Polygon) transactions, and users can also swap their tokens on chain.
  1. Each profile picture (DNA3) of Timeless Wallet is a dynamic NFT, uniquely showing users’ decentralized digital identity. It also allows users to choose the DNA3 avatar’s poses, clothes, colors, and body shapes.
  1. Once the user creates their wallets, the Timeless Wallet allows users to use fiat to buy tokens on different chains, send/receive crypto payments, swap tokens and earn staking rewards.
  1. The Timeless Wallet uses QR code and a self-defined wallet name to replace a long random hex crypto address, and it facilitates the process of finding the wallet address by scanning the QR code.
  1. Timeless Wallets also collaborate with fiat partners such as Wyre, enabling users to convert USD to tokens.
  1. Under the wallet details page, you can view your total crypto/NFT assets on different chains and your transaction history.
  1. Timeless Wallet creates a social Web3 community to enable wallet users to start a text chat and interact with each other. The chat room also has the feature to drop crypto red packets to pick up in group chat.

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