
Welcome to Harmony : Intercom Instructional Videos


Instructional videos which further aid the content on intercom.harmony.one.


Although there is a lot of great information for users on Intercom, it would be beneficial for many to supplement the content with video tutorials. The videos created should give instructions for specific purposes, such as creating a Harmony metamask wallet. By creating videos that are easy to follow along and provide valuable information for our specific users (developers and consumers), we can create a pleasant experience for returning and new users alike. Not only will this impacting our brand culture, but it will also contribute to customer retention, and new user acquisition.


Our new Intercom site has vastly improved the accessibility of our documentation, but old and new users would benefit immensely from a video which allows them to follow along amidst processes that may be complicated.

Current Intercom Website, designed by
Current Intercom Website, designed by @Timothy Posvar & @Jeremy Straughan

The current Intercom website is divided into different collections where users can find articles with the information they are looking for. Certain articles would benefit tremendously with the help of a ‘How-To’ or an ‘Overview’ video for user’s who may feel overwhelmed by web3 processes. By providing videos for users in articles where it makes sense, user’s will both get the information they need, and have a seamless user experience with our technology.

Below I have outlined various potential videos that can be produced to supplement the current information on intercom. The lists are separated by collection name.

Potential Videos

New to Harmony - Quick Start Guide

  • How to videos
    • Acquiring ONE from crypto.com
    • Acquiring ONE from binance
    • Creating Harmony Metamask Wallet
      • target audience: new users


  • Decentralized Exchanges
    • Overview of what a DEX is, the DEX’s currently in the ecosystem, and where to find new ones (intercom page)
    • Call to action: Purchase ONE so you can trade, buy NFTs, or use in the dapps in our ecosystem
    • target audience: new / current users
  • NFT’s
    • Overview of what NFT Marketplaces and Projects are on Harmony, and where to find new ones (intercom page)
    • Call to action: If you don’t have any tokens to buy an NFT, check out our DEX’s video to get started
    • target audience: new / current users
  • Tooling
    • Overview of what tooling is available, and where to find new tools (intercom page)
    • Call to action: find out more about the projects in our ecosystem to use tools


In order to enhance the user experience for our platform, we must provide users with information that is both helpful and easy to follow along. By creating relevant and instructional videos that supplement the content on Intercom, we can provide a seamless user experience for both developers and consumers. These videos will encourage more activity on the chain by teaching users how to engage with web3, and will also associate Harmony with a pleasant web3 experience.