
Fiat Gateway Instructional Video


Series of 1-2 minute ‘How-to’ instructional videos which show users how to purchase ONE and where to use their tokens.

  1. Fiat Gateway
  2. Single Click Staking
  3. All the Things You Can Do Now (Ecosystem projects)
  4. NFT’s


The Fiat Gateways team is working hard to re-engage fiat onramp partners in order to onboard new users into the ecosystem. Currently, the /buy page directs users to a fiat onramps site that has no instructions, nor a help button, thus can be intimidating to use for newcomers into cryptocurrency. For any layer 1 project, it is essential for users to be able to easily find out how and where to purchase ONE tokens, and then where to use these newly purchased tokens. By creating a series of videos starting with an instructional how-to video which shows a step-by-step process on how to purchase ONE with USD, we can onboard new users into our ecosystem and encourage transactions on our chain with an easy to follow guide.


In the User Journey Proposal written by our Fiat Gateway team, it is suggested that we create a “BUY” button on the top right header, which directs users to a newly designed /buy page.

current harmony.one/buy page
updated /buy page, designed by
updated /buy page, designed by @Darren Lau

On the newly updated /buy page, there should be a link titled “Need Help? How-to Video” which pops up a video when clicked. The video will be as simple as possible, targeted towards new users rather than crypto natives.

The video will walk new users through the journey of purchasing ONE, starting from the front page of our website. After explaining how to purchase ONE step by step, it will end on this page which directs users on where they can use their newly purchased ONE, including Single-Click Staking, Ecosystem projects, and NFT communities.

End of journey for Fiat Gateway, designed by
End of journey for Fiat Gateway, designed by @Darren Lau

At this point, the video should end by leading users into the next videos of this series. The next videos (Single Click Staking, All the Things You Can Now Do, & NFTs) are modular and non-sequential, allowing users to watch whichever video they are interested in, rather than having to watch them in a certain order. Ideally, on the website page, these three options also have a “how-to” link in each description. Lastly, by posting this Fiat Gateway video on Youtube, we can link the remaining videos in the series on an end card, thus making it even easier for users to understand the journey of exploring web3 within our ecosystem.