
Decentralized Identity: Team Masks as NFT Video

This short 20-30 second promo will showcase Harmony’s newest collaboration by combining IRL team members with digital NFTs, similar to Twitter Blue’s latest ad.

We have several different ideas of how to make our own unique video, which are outlined below.

One Long Take

In this version, we would start off with a team member using their phone. The video would then cut to a vertical video, showing that the team member is currently on their phone; they are using an app like IG or Snapchat which has face filters. The team member then clicks on a filter, which morphs his/her face into an NFT. The team member then passes the phone off to other team members around the office, resulting in the filter changing their faces to their own personal NFTs as well. The ending cuts to tagline text – TBD – and logo.



Team Photoshoot

For this version, we start off with an establishing wide shot, showing a photographer getting the team ready for photos next to a backdrop.


Cuts to close ups of team members looking bored. We then cut to camera’s POV, showing a team member going to get their photo taken. See angle below.


As camera flashes, a photo pops out with NFT as their new head. Photo effect will be taken similar to these references.

After showing a couple different team members, video ends with group photo, and all NFTs replacing team members heads. Ends with tagline – TBD.

Cast Intro – Ala Sitcom TV

For this version, we are showing team members in different locations/scenes, and animating an NFT onto their head. The premise is to showcase the different members of the team and their favorite NFT, in the same spirit as how 90s TV/Movie intro’s would introduce characters. For example, we use footage of Stephen leading a meeting in the office, followed by an animation or freeze frame effect, replacing his head with an NFT. Ends with tagline – TBD
