Protocol Walkthrough

Personal notes to understand the protocol codebase


Upon running the harmony build, the following logic is triggered:

  • getHarmonyConfig initializes the HarmonyConfig with the given flags
  • setupNodeAndRun
    • Sets the shard schedule based on its respective network (Mainnet, Testnet, etc.)
    • Assuming the node type is validator, setupStakingNodeAccount is run
  • setupStakingNodeAccount
    • Loads BLS keys and set the keys to config
    • Retrieve the Shard ID statically determined from the consensus key
    • Ensure the keys are all in the same shard
    • Append each key to initialAccounts which are the accounts used when the build is initially deployed
  • Create nodeconfig.ConfigType which is the configuration variables for a node off of the HarmonyConfig previously configured
  • Update each network id to be compatible with the Ethereum chain id (Why?)
  • setupConsensusAndNode
    • Set up blacklisted addresses, allowed transactions, and local accounts
    • Set up database factory
    • Set up engine which contains:
      • Epoch context cache
      • Verified signature cache
    • Create a new shard chain collection with the db factory and the engine
    • Create the blockchain for the current shard (beacon shard has to be initialized regardless)
    • Create a new consensus with the deciders and provided configuration
    • Create a new node with all of the above information node.New()
      • Creates a node that represents a protocol-participating node in the network
    • Instantiate syncing providers by following rules:
      • If starting with a localnet or offline, use local sync peers.
      • If specified with --dns=false, use legacy syncing which is syncing through self-discover peers.
      • Else, use the dns for syncing.
    • InitConsensusWithValidators initialize shard state from latest epoch and update committee pub keys for consensus
    • Set block verifier, which is a function to verify the block (account model) they are running consensus on