To be included in the Hardfork v2023.2.3 (Epoch: 1534 begins on 2023-07-19 11:38:51+00:00)
- 100% Burn to:
- 50% Infrastructure: cloud cost and (maybe) dev work
- 50% Ecosystem: dApps, community devs, recovery, partnerships, and burn
- Motive: Impact from infrastructure and ecosystem development should outweigh the impact of burn leading to less inflation from the transaction fees
- Inflation would rise proportional to transaction fees generated
- Infrastructure
- Casey Gardiner
- Soph
- Sun Hyuk Ahn
- Nick V.
- Hound
- Ecosystem
- Affinity Shard
- Crypto0tech
- TechViva
- Aaron Li
- Theo Perisic