1.country Guide

Creating a Subpage

If you would like to create a subpage for your .country, please follow these steps. Note that only Notion pages are enabled for subpages as of now.

  1. Go to your 1.country
  2. With your wallet, connect the account that owns 1.country
  3. In the search bar, input in the following:
    1. <subpage>.=<notion url>

    2. I.e. if you would like “www” subpage, the input would look as follows: www.=https://www.notion.so/harmonyone/www-edd85b7533024237bbcbf2ba66692eac?pvs=4
    3. It’s import to have ‘.’ before ‘=’
  4. Hit Enter to initiate a transaction
  5. Confirm and sign transaction prompted by your wallet
  6. <subpage>.<domain>.country will now be available

Transferring 1.country

  1. Go to unwrap.country
  2. With your wallet, connect the account that owns .country that would be transferred
  3. Input the destination address (0x…)
  4. Click “Transfer”
  5. Confirm and sign transaction prompted by your wallet