
Gnosis Safe & daVinci NFT with 1Wallet

Next Date
October 15, 2021
Giv ParvanehJenya PiskunovAaron Li
Live on Mainnet




Release Date

Weekly Milestones 2021

Oct 3

1wallet now has the ability to purchase NFTs listed on daVinci. We started this to share our updates related to 1wallet NFT and multi-sig features. For updates prior to October 2021, please checkout our release notes:

Oct 10

We enhanced 1wallet experience and stability significantly. The authenticator code is now valid for 60 seconds instead of its original 30 seconds, so you would not get "Time Mismatch" errors any more due to network delays. We observed it bothered a lot of people especially when they operate on NFTs.

Moreover, you can now inspect your old wallets (which went away when you upgrade a 1wallet) in the UI, or reclaim domain or assets left in it (especially NFTs and tokens). This feature will help many wallet users who inadvertently "lose" their NFTs and domains during an upgrade. Find out more at our patch note here:

Jenya made the following updates for explorers (on NFT support):

Jenya is working on 1wallet-multisig integration. He started building an initial version of web3-based provider for 1wallet.

Oct 17

1wallet integration with Harmony Safe (multisig.harmony.one) are completed and launched. The integration is based on web3 and a modified version of Blocknative wallet selector. This means most of the complex logics in interacting with 1wallet are abstracted away.

The wallet selector and web3 provider are available at https://github.com/hypnagonia/onboard

(References to Wallets and Wallet Select Button)

"Just add 1wallet in supported wallets. That's it" - Jenya

The repository is maintained by Jenya.

Oct 24

After weeks of testing and debugging, 1wallet mobile and app integration experience is significantly optimized both on mobile and on desktop browsers.

Moreover, we fixed various issues associated with recovery and upgrade. See a very detailed discussion here:

We also started working on fiat on-boarding in a separate branch. Actually, we already completed it, just haven't released it officially because we want to make sure it is 100% working. This feature will significantly reduce frictions for purchasing NFT, especially for first-time ONE users. See this thread for detailed updates:

Oct 31

A plan was set in motion to build a "minimal" 1wallet mobile app that focuses on NFT activities. We want to save the surprise for later, so we will provide more details when it is close to be released in the coming weeks.

We are also working on libraries to support other (mobile) apps integrating with 1wallet. Some of these apps have kick-ass NFT capabilities. If you are building one of such apps, feel free to reach out if you need help for integration.

Nov 7 (Updated)

We released a slew of updates, including fiat onboarding which we discussed in Oct 24 milestone. See release note:

The renewal update is quite important - this feature enables us to implement several features later this month, including restoring wallet without scanning Google Authenticator QR code, using iOS built-in two-factor authentication, and more. See our summaries for Nov 21 and 28 milestones below.

Previously, we posted our plan for NFTs under this milestone:

You will be able to mint NFTs directly from 1wallet. Moreover, we want to make NFT transfer, sharing, and showcasing a lot more impressive than it is right now. By this week, we will release a timeline of when each of these features will happen. We also want to bridge a major gap between NFTs on Harmony and NFTs on Ethereum on other blockchains. By the end of this week, we will release a work plan on this and more details about the extent of this feature.

We recognized a large number of NFT activities happen on mobile. For this reason, we plan to make a mobile app version of 1wallet and make these NFT features available on that app instead. The app is temporarily named as 1wallet Mobile Light Client. More details are available here:

Nov 14

One repeating complaints from users is it is hard to find the wallet address when they want to restore a wallet. For example, as the user stated here: Embed GitHubEmbed GitHub. To address this, we aim to implement "Predictable, deterministic 1wallet address" this week, which is explained in detail under . The benefits go much beyond mere convenience for wallet restoration. It makes app integration much easier and can substantially improve onboarding experience. Both aspects are critical for partnering apps focusing on NFT.

Previously, Giv also shared his thoughts on simplifying 1wallet for NFT use cases:

With progress being made on NFT purchase functionality directly inside 1wallet, we are rethinking the onboarding flow. How to onboard new users with as little friction as possible across all devices, especially mobile? We need to focus on key action items and remove other distractions: 1. Create and fund wallet 2. Purchase NFT directly from inside 1wallet 3. Associate crazy.one domain for wallet address This will be a starting point with the goal of adding additional steps in a seamless and efficient manner over time.

In our implementation, several 1wallet components are created as standalone "OTP components" to make it easy for other apps to integrate a minimal version of 1wallet within their app. Find out more at https://github.com/polymorpher/one-wallet/releases/tag/v0.14.1 (under section "Internal Updates")