
Financial Cryptography and Data Security


May 2 mon - 6 fri


https://fc22.ifca.ai/ (platinum sponsor)


Grenada (Caribbean)



Twenty-Sixth International ConferenceMay

2–6, 2022

Program Chairs

Ittay Eyal Juan Garay

General Chairs

Sergi Delgado Segura Rafael Hirschfeld


Financial Cryptography and Data Security is a major international forum for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate regarding information assurance, with a specific focus on commercial contexts. The conference covers all aspects of securing transactions and systems.

The goal of the conference is to bring security and cryptography researchers and practitioners together with economists, bankers, implementers, and policy-makers. I\

Light Clients & Protocols


  • Plumo: An Ultralight Blockchain Client. Psi Vesely (University of California, San Diego), Michael Straka (cLabs), Philipp Jovanovic (University College London), Ariel Gabizon (AZTEC Protocol), Kobi Gurkan (cLabs), Georgios Konstantopoulos (Paradigm), Asa Oines (cLabs), Marek Olszewski (cLabs), Eran Tromer (Tel Aviv University)
  • SoK: Blockchain Light Clients. Panagiotis Chatzigiannis (George Mason University), Foteini Baldimtsi (George Mason University), Konstantinos Chalkias (Novi Financial / Facebook Research)
  • Three Attacks on Proof-of-Stake Ethereum. Caspar Schwarz-Schilling (Ethereum Foundation), Joachim Neu (Stanford University), Barnabe Monnot (Ethereum Foundation), Aditya Asgaonkar (Ethereum Foundation), Ertem Nusret Tas (Stanford University), David Tse (Stanford University), Caspar Schwarz-Schilling (Ethereum Foundation)
  • Jolteon and Ditto: Network-Adaptive Efficient Consensus with Asynchronous Fallback. Rati Gelashvili (Novi Research), Elefteris Kokoris-Kogias (Novi Research & IST Austria), Alberto Sonnino (Novi Research), Alexander Spiegelman (Novi Research), Zhuolun Xiang (UIUC), Eleftherios Kokoris Kogias (IST Austria & Novi Research)



Sunday, May 1, 2022
Registration Reception
Location: Oasis Pavilion
Monday, May 2, 2022
Opening Remarks
Anniversary Program
Looking back at 25 years of FC history. Assembled by Kazue Sako, presented by Sven Dietrich
Session 1: Tokenomics
Session Chair: Patrick McCorry. Maximizing Extractable Value from Automated Market Makers. Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari), James Hsin-yu Chiang (Technical University of Denmark), Alberto Lluch-Lafuente (Technical University of Denmark)Kicking-the-Bucket: Fast Privacy-Preserving Trading Using Buckets. Mariana Botelho da Gama (imec-COSIC, KU Leuven), John Cartlidge (Uni Bristol), Antigoni Polychroniadou (JP Morgan), Nigel Smart (imec-COSIC, KU Leuven), Younes Talibi Alaoui (imec-COSIC, KU Leuven)Speculative Multipliers on DeFi: Quantifying On-Chain Leverage Risks. Zhipeng Wang (Imperial College London), Kaihua Qin (Imperial College London), Duc Vu Minh (Imperial College London), Arthur Gervais (Imperial College London)
Session 2: MPC (mostly)
Session Chair: Don Beaver. Explainable Arguments. Lucjan Hanzlik (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Kamil Kluczniak (Stanford University, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security) MPCCache: Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Cooperative Cache Sharing at the Edge. Duong Nguyen (Arizona State University), Ni Trieu (Arizona State University) Multi-party Updatable Delegated Private Set Intersection. Aydin Abadi (University College London), Steven J. Murdoch (University College London), Sotirios Terzis (University of Strathclyde), Changyu Dong (University of Newcastle)
Location: Tradewinds
Session 3: Privacy
Session Chair: Yvo Desmedt. The Effect of False Positives: Why Fuzzy Message Detection Leads to Fuzzy Privacy Guarantees?. István András Seres (Eötvös Loránd University), Balázs Pejó (CrySyS Lab, Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Péter Burcsi (Eötvös Loránd University) Differential Privacy in Constant Function Market Makers. Tarun Chitra (Gauntlet Networks), Guillermo Angeris (Stanford University), Alex Evans (Bain Capital) Anonymous Tokens with Public Metadata and Applications to Private Contact Tracing. Tjerand Silde (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Martin Strand (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment)
Session 4: ZKP
Session Chair: Andrew Miller. SnarkPack: Practical SNARK Aggregation. Anca Nitulescu (Protocol Labs), Nicolas Gailly (Protocol Labs), Mary Maller (Ethereum Foundation) On Interactive Oracle Proofs for Boolean R1CS Statements. Ignacio Cascudo (IMDEA Software Institute), Emanuele Giunta (IMDEA Software Institute) Zero Knowledge Proofs towards Verifiable Decentralized AI. Nitin Singh (IBM Research, India), Pankaj Dayama (IBM Research, India), Vinayaka Pandit (IBM Research, India)
Welcome Reception and Poster Session  (Sponsored by Grenada Tourism Authority)
Location: Oasis Pavilion Can We Trust Cloud Voting?. Yvo Desmedt Fostering Financial Stability through Quantitative Security Evaluation in Credit Processes. Stephan Neumann and Oksana Kulyk Enhancing Blockchain Monitoring Systems by Mutation-based Attack Simulation. Chia-Chien Wu and Hsu-Chun Hsiao
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Anniversary Program
Perspectives from FC since 2015 Patrick McCorry (Infura), anniversary talk
Session 5: Old-School Consensus
Session Chair: Klaus Kursawe. Be Aware of Your Leaders. Shir Cohen (Technion & Novi Research), Rati Gelashvili (Novi Research), Eleftherios Kokoris Kogias (IST Austria & Novi Research), Zekun Li (Facebook/Novi), Dahlia Malkhi (Novi Research), Alberto Sonnino (Novi Research), Alexander Spiegelman (Novi Research) Jolteon and Ditto: Network-Adaptive Efficient Consensus with Asynchronous Fallback. Rati Gelashvili (Novi Research), Elefteris Kokoris-Kogias (Novi Research & IST Austria), Alberto Sonnino (Novi Research), Alexander Spiegelman (Novi Research), Zhuolun Xiang (UIUC) Quick Order Fairness. Christian Cachin (University of Bern), Jovana Micic (University of Bern), Nathalie Steinhauer (University of Bern), Luca Zanolini (University of Bern)
Session 6: Mostly Payment Networks
Session Chair: Alexander Spiegelman Analysis and Probing of Parallel Channels in the Lightning Network. Alex Biryukov (University of Luxembourg), Gleb Naumenko (thelab31.xyz), Sergei Tikhomirov (University of Luxembourg) Hide & Seek: Privacy-Preserving Rebalancing on Payment Channel Networks. Zeta Avarikioti (IST Austria), Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST Austria), Iosif Salem (University of Vienna, Faculty of Computer Science), Stefan Schmid (University of Vienna, Faculty of Computer Science), Samarth Tiwari (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica), Michelle Yeo (IST Austria) Short Paper: A Centrality Analysis of the Lightning Network. Philipp Zabka (University of Vienna), Klaus-Tycho Foerster (TU Dortmund), Christian Decker (Blockstream), Stefan Schmid (TU Berlin, University of Vienna, Fraunhofer SIT) Resurrecting Address Clustering in Bitcoin. Malte Möser (Princeton University), Arvind Narayanan (Princeton University)
Location: Tradewinds
Excursion (sponsored by CipherTrace) (departure from the lobby)
A drive through Grand Etang Forest with a stop to stretch legs at Grand Etang Lake, continuing on for a visit to Belmont Estate, and then returning to the hotel.
General Meeting
Location: Crown Ballroom
Rump Session  (sponsored by Novi)
Location: Crown Ballroom Session Chair: Burt Rosenberg
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Anniversary Program
FC 25th anniversary vignettes. Collected by the anniversary coordinators, curated and presented by Sven Dietrich
Session 7: Incentives I
Session Chair: Clara Shinkelman. ABSNFT: Securitization and Repurchase Scheme for Non-Fungible Tokens Based on Game Theoretical Analysis. Hongyin Chen (Peking University), Yukun Cheng (Suzhou University of Science and Technology), Xiaotie Deng (Peking University), Wenhan Huang (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Linxuan Rong (Washington University in St. Louis) Decentralization Conscious Players And System Reliability. Sarah Azouvi (Protocol Labs), Alexander Hicks (University College London) Towards Overcoming the Undercutting Problem. Tiantian Gong (Purdue University), Mohsen Minaei (Visa Research), Wenhai Sun (Purdue University), Aniket Kate (Purdue University)
Session 8: Incentives II
Session Chair: Juan Garay. Arbitrage attack: Miners of the world, unite!. Yuheng Wang (School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Jiliang Li (School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Zhou Su (School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Yuyi Wang (ETH Zürich) Suborn Channels: Incentives Against Timelock Bribes. Orfeas Stefanos Thyfronitis Litos (University of Edinburgh), Zeta Avarikioti (IST Austria) Sliding Window Challenge Process for Congestion Detection. Ayelet Lotem (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Sarah Azouvi (Protocol Labs), Aviv Zohar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Patrick McCorry (Infura) Short Paper: On Game-Theoretically-Fair Leader Election. Rati Gelashvili (Novi research), Guy Goren (Technion), Alexander Spiegelman (Novi research)
Location: Tradewinds
Session 9: Not Proof of Work
Session Chair: Eleftherios Kokoris Kogias. The Availability-Accountability Dilemma and its Resolution via Accountability Gadgets. Joachim Neu (Stanford University), Ertem Nusret Tas (Stanford University), David Tse (Stanford University)Three Attacks on Proof-of-Stake Ethereum. Caspar Schwarz-Schilling (Ethereum Foundation), Joachim Neu (Stanford University), Barnabe Monnot (Ethereum Foundation), Aditya Asgaonkar (Ethereum Foundation), Ertem Nusret Tas (Stanford University), David Tse (Stanford University)Permissionless Consensus in the Resource Model. Benjamin Terner (UC Irvine)
Beach BBQ  (Sponsored by Casper Association)
Location: Pelican Beach Bar
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Anniversary Program
FC 25th anniversary retrospective panel—past impact and going forward . Don Beaver (Meta FinTech), Sven Dietrich—moderator (City University of New York), Andrew Miller (UIUC), Hinde ten Berge (Arondeus Van Ek Ten Berge)
Session 10: Performance
Session Chair: Dionysis Zindros. Plumo: An Ultralight Blockchain Client. Psi Vesely (University of California, San Diego), Michael Straka (cLabs), Philipp Jovanovic (University College London), Ariel Gabizon (AZTEC Protocol), Kobi Gurkan (cLabs), Georgios Konstantopoulos (Paradigm), Asa Oines (cLabs), Marek Olszewski (cLabs), Eran Tromer (Tel Aviv University)SoK: Blockchain Light Clients. Panagiotis Chatzigiannis (George Mason University), Foteini Baldimtsi (George Mason University), Konstantinos Chalkias (Novi Financial / Facebook Research)Achieving Almost All Blockchain Functionalities with Polylogarithmic Storage. Parikshit Hegde (The University of Texas at Austin), Robert Streit (The University of Texas at Austin), Yanni Georghiades (The University of Texas at Austin), Chaya Ganesh (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), Sriram Vishwanath (The University of Texas at Austin)
Session 11: Measurements
Session Chair: Sven Dietrich. Short Paper: On the Claims of Weak Block Synchronization in Bitcoin. Seungjin Baek (KAIST), Hocheol Nam (KAIST), Yongwoo Oh (KAIST), Muoi Tran (National University of Singapore), Min Suk Kang (KAIST)India's "Aadhaar" Biometric ID: Structure, Security, and Vulnerabilities. Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari (Johns Hopkins University), Dhruv Agarwal (Microsoft Research), Prakhar Jain (Fractal Analytics), Swagam Dasgupta (Bastion Media), Preetha Datta (Aalto University), Vineet Reddy (Northeastern University), Debayan Gupta (Ashoka University)Short Paper: What Peer Announcements Tell Us About the Size of the Bitcoin P2P Network. Matthias Grundmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Hedwig Amberg, Max Baumstark (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Hannes Hartenstein (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)An empirical study of two Bitcoin artifacts through deep learning. Richard Tindell (James Madison University), Alex Mitchell (James Madison University), Nathan Sprague (James Madison University), Xunhua Wang (James Madison University)
Closing Remarks
Location: Tradewinds
Free Afternoon with Activities (sponsored by Ripple)
(sign-up sheets will be available, departure from lobby except for the catamaran, which departs from the beach) A: Catamaran Cruise with Snorkeling B: Waterfalls and Chocolate C: Grenada Distillers and St. George's walking tour D: Rainforest Hike
Workshop Reception
Location: Oasis Pavilion
Friday, May 6, 2022
Workshops Registration
Location: St. Vincent Room Note: the timing of the lunch and breaks is coordinated among all of the workshops, but some workshops might start earlier in the morning or end later in the afternoon. See their individual programs for details. Workshop registrants can attend any of the workshops and can switch between them as desired. Note: the workshop room assignments are tentative and might change depending on attendance.
Workshops Early Morning Session
AMHIS'22: 1st Workshop on Approaches to Modelling Heterogeneous Interacting SystemsLocation: Barbados RoomCoDecFin'22: 3rd Workshop on Coordination of Decentralized FinanceLocation: St. Andrews RoomDeFi'22: 2nd Workshop on Decentralized FinanceLocation: The Greenery VOTING'22: 7th Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic VotingLocation: St. Lucia RoomWTSC'22: 6th Workshop on Trusted Smart ContractsLocation: Grenada RoomTutorial: Quantum Computing Essentials for Financial CryptographersLocation: Trinidad Room
Location: Tradewinds Terrace
Workshops Late Morning Session
Workshops Late Morning SessionAMHIS'22: 1st Workshop on Approaches to Modelling Heterogeneous Interacting SystemsLocation: Barbados RoomCoDecFin'22: 3rd Workshop on Coordination of Decentralized FinanceLocation: St. Andrews RoomDeFi'22: 2nd Workshop on Decentralized FinanceLocation: The GreeneryVOTING'22: 7th Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic VotingLocation: St. Lucia RoomWTSC'22: 6th Workshop on Trusted Smart ContractsLocation: Grenada RoomTutorial: Quantum Computing Essentials for Financial CryptographersLocation: Trinidad Room
Location: Tradewinds
Workshops Early Afternoon Session
Workshops Early Afternoon SessionCoDecFin'22: 3rd Workshop on Coordination of Decentralized FinanceLocation: St. Andrews RoomDeFi'22: 2nd Workshop on Decentralized FinanceLocation: The GreeneryVOTING'22: 7th Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic VotingLocation: St. Lucia RoomWTSC'22: 6th Workshop on Trusted Smart ContractsLocation: Grenada RoomTutorial: Quantum Computing Essentials for Financial CryptographersLocation: Trinidad Room
Location: Tradewinds Terrace
Workshops Late Afternoon Session
CoDecFin'22: 3rd Workshop on Coordination of Decentralized Finance Location: St. Andrews Room DeFi'22: 2nd Workshop on Decentralized Finance Location: The Greenery VOTING'22: 7th Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting Location: St. Lucia Room WTSC'22: 6th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts Location: Grenada Room Tutorial: Quantum Computing Essentials for Financial Cryptographers Location: Trinidad Room
Farewell Party  (sponsored by Harmony)
Farewell Party  (sponsored by Harmony)


The following affiliated workshops will be held in conjunction with FC22:

as well as a tutorial:

This conference is organized annually by the International Financial Cryptography Association.