Everything - I felt like we had a much stronger bond among the Blu3 scholars, Harmony team, and partners (MAD NFT). From Blu3 events to Harmony events and joint-collaboration on workshops, manning the booth, and hosting TGI beach/soccer day, we felt like one family. From incredible hotel and VIP conference ticket to afterparties, scholars truly bonded and even self-organized to launch their own DAOs, workshop and local cultural activities/excursions. Strongly recommend another international trip again.


@Amy Soon

Worst Thing about EthRio

People’s phones getting stolen, fewer TGI events compared to ETHDenver

Would you want to work w/ Event Ops again?

YES. While early planning would have been helpful, they never failed to deliver and get whatever we needed at the event. Given the fact that the event was put together at such short notice, truly incredible work!