
Post Mortem - Internal

Accomplishments To Celebrate (open forum):

Retrospective Step 1: Start / Stop / Continue

Start: Actions we should START taking to improve future events.

Stop: Actions we should STOP taking to improve future events.

Continue: Actions we should CONTINUE to do for future events.

Retrospective Step 2: Survey

[create on typeform]

Survey Summary (1-10 scale)

  • Event Ops worked effectively together:
  • Event Ops worked effectively w/venues, sponsors, event managers:
  • Event Ops fulfilled the goals:
  • Event Ops met their deliverables:
  • Event Ops produced high quality work:
  • I would work with the Harmony Event Ops again:

Retrospective Step 3: Qualitative Feedback.

Best Thing about EthRio
Worst Thing about EthRio
Would you want to work w/ Event Ops again?

@Devin P. Marty

@Boris Polania

Retrospective Step 4: Open Forum

Feel free to add in commentary below. This is an opportunity to call out particular “Heroes”, identify potential flaws that could have caused bigger problems, and basically add anything that isn’t captured in Step 1 - 3 above.