
Social Media ($10M annual for engaging 1M)


Hackathons ($5M for 10K)
Own Events ($4M for 10K)
Scholars ($5M for 5K)
Sponsorship ($1M for 50K)
To reach the next million users, how to split among the distribution channels?

The power of social media: I make a viral Nike commercial... Nike invites us to their office... Nike scraps their entire marketing strategy for the year and pivots to ours... 9 months later we create an Emmy winning commercial that moves the stock roughly $6 billion dollars. While nobody can promise a viral video, more emphasis on telling stories that move culture is key to unlocking the 10x everyone desires. One look at Elon Musk’s Tweets should tell you enough about the power of social media... it is the one connecting force that can influence popular opinion. Social media is so important Elon decided to spend $44 billion on it... Also, by doubling down on our own events, we are owning the outcome of our events... Denver is a perfect example. Our own events brought us more value than sponsoring of the main event... but sponsoring events still has value, hence why we should put SOME resources towards that. We should scale back scholarships to curate higher quality candidates.