July Deliverable Report

Worked with team to deliver functional “v0” prototype of minter dapp with fiat on ramp and web3 functionality, meeting the criteria for:

  • Mint functionality for escrow fiat-buy dApp
  • Fiat buy with claim note (text message) sent to purchaser
  • Claim ability to transfer NFT to secure web3 wallet
    • Implemented in backend, skipped in frontend to focus on v1 features with release of SMS wallet

Video demo of “V0” functionality. Send me a DM on Telegram for the passcode.


The backend is where most of my time was focused, though coordination and design was required across all components.

A solidity contract to support the copy room initiative prior to pivoting to minter dapp was also initiated.


The API endpoints / design spec implemented by backend and consumed by frontend.

Draft a sample user flow and technical criteria for signing feature of SMS wallet to support sign in and other features.

Built shared workspace and several architecture design discussions.