Harmony Homepage

dj3n PRD

I love Harmony because the affordability and speed make it the easiest chain to use and onboard others. I would vote the the website greets people as,

“Welcome to Harmony, the easiest blockchain to use.” Subtitle: “What would you like to do today?”

Scroll down: 6 options: “Make or Buy an NFT, Earn interest on USD, Invest/Trade Tokens, Buy/Stake $ONE, Play Games, Join a Team and Contribute.”

Boom- those buttons take them away to tools. (NFT marketplaces, stablecoin farms, DEXes, games, DAO resources)

Scroll down: button “Explore more possibilities” - link to the rest of the ecosystem.

Scroll down: “Set up your Web3 wallet to interact with the Web3 world”: Connect wallet tools, automatic RPC configuration, etc.

Scroll down: “Why is Harmony the easiest chain to use? Explore our tech”

Tech specs.

Scroll down: “Want to help create a radically fair economy for 10 billion people with Harmony?” Button: Apply now.

Scroll down: News, etc.