Ensuring adequate representation of Harmony core team and contributors given the local context. For example, team members speaking the local language or coming from the region. Empowering attendees that are “in the field” with event-specific investment projects for the purpose of generating greater personalized impact in the ecosystem and in people’s lives.
Communicate important initiatives such as Project X/Y ahead of time and having someone run a Q&A meeting/group chat to ensure everyone has indeed been notified, the guidelines have been understood, and any pending questions are clarified.
I believe it’s important to keep the event-specific investment figures private. If we announce figures that are extremely high in certain regions, we risk attracting unwanted attention, “cash-grab” projects, and we lose authenticity in the interactions with the builders. A solid idea/project will surface by itself, as it should have that intrinsic motivation to be fulfilled, with or without a grant. These ideas/projects that have authenticity and a focus on themselves are the ones that will bring sustainable value.