Write from scratch a video player on mobile web – immersive like TikTok (full screen, auto play, one-click upload), minimal like Tinder (touch pause, touch mute, swipe navigate), optimized like YouTube (multiple sizes, edge network, offline cache), actionable like Shopify (shoppable links, Apple Pay integrated, merchandise checkout).
- Control: Full screen, auto play, auto rotate, one-touch pause, easy mute, swipe controls
- Player: Re-encode video for sizes optimized for mobiles, tablets, slow connections, audio remix
- Uploader: From phone photo gallery, desktop folder
- Shoppable videos: Videowise, Tolstoy
Top use cases: Commerce (fan merchandise), Course (content subscription).
- Example videos: /b for /build
Open-source and outsource solutions:
- Web Player
- Video transcoding service
- AWS for video storage and CDN
- Example Video Repo:
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