
Spinoffs ($1M for initial development then raise $5M)


Acquisitions ($2M per engineer)
Agencies ($250K per campaign)
Grants (1000 grants, $100K each)
Partners ($1M per campaign)
Studios ($10M initial funds)
Toward community-driven development in the long term, how to balance our top-down control versus external autonomy?

I prefer to abstain here as I am not familiar with the current approach, but a word of caution on agencies based on the 15+ yrs of working with them - IMO they only make sense IF it’s a very well defined/short-term project AND WHEN there is a clear internal lead driving the strategy and execution [ie. they become an extension of the team from an operational standpoint]. The core capabilities need to be in-house, and so does the heavy lifting / foundational work on strategy and direction. Any other option of working with them basically means flushing $$ down the drain:)